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  1. Hi im Almost new . Ben trying to leran the games
  2. i have not been conected to this site for so long.. but have seen that all the codes shared, is for high level gamblers.. same whit this hunt for coco, we needs to be at level 14 i belive. .a casino whit much gifts and also freespins and free cash spread among the low level players give more confident in the gaming, and also higher trust among users for the company and the owners of it, to know tat you get this small amount of serotonin and dopamin when you get a small gift or some freespins , is boosting the joy for continue to gamble, and it dosent matter if you allready have burned all your coins ::sallary::: for months in front of you.. that little boost from a gift says in the brain ... THX this is an amazing place ..i will always continue to have fun here.. so more codes for us small level players that has not get so high up yet should be nice... the contests that they have , they are a good way to earn the codes on. so more small contests.. like they had this photo contest .. that was a fun wayto earn them.. and to see the few that joined.. put some time and effort in creating something else than just the focus around the gaming... both the forum and the games are nice.. i like this site alot.. have a G.G everyone and stay safe .. mvh T
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